Recycling has become a very hot topic in recent years, with recycled material forming an important part of raw materials sourcing for a variety of industries. For paper and cardboard packaging manufacturers and brands using paper packaging, it is critical to know where the fibre you’re using has come from and where it is going to end up.
We recently collaborated with DS Smith, a leading packaging manufacturer, to write a white paper that dives into the details of the current and future picture around recycling of paper and cardboard packaging in Europe and lay out a roadmap for change.
Our report highlights the increasing volumes of packaging waste in the European Union and flags the falling recycling rates for paper and cardboard packaging. These are elements which will need to be addressed to achieve the 90% recycling rate targeted by the 4Evergreen Alliance, a group made up of over 100 members representing the entire lifecycle of fibre-based packaging.
White Space present some of the issues to overcome including the variation in recycling rates between different European countries, generational differences in recycling rates and the need to address consumer confusion regarding recycling at home and the challenges of recycling on-the-go.
The report lays out our 4 top tips for policymakers and legislators at all levels to help achieve the 4Evergreen target of 90% recycling:
- Implement source segregation
- Deliver consistent collection nationwide
- Provide greater clarity on what & how to recycle
- Enforce long-lasting, consistent regulation
Getting to this point will require the support of businesses and stakeholders in the packaging and recycling sector. Coming together to collaborate and take bold steps to push for these changes can help reduce waste, secure the supply of important raw materials and create a more sustainable future.
Read our findings and recommendations in full here.

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