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Exploring the opportunities for rugged devices within the German offshore wind market

A global technology firm aimed to explore growth opportunities in the offshore wind energy sector

We conducted comprehensive market research and expert interviews to identify key segments and understand device requirements.

This enabled the client to strategically target high-potential accounts, optimise their sales outreach, inform product development and participate effectively in renewal tenders.

Service: Market Analysis; Growth Strategy
Sector: Technology & Electronics



A leading manufacturer of rugged devices sought to explore new market opportunities within the European Renewable Energy industry. They had established clients in utilities and wished to expand into adjacent markets.

We identified the offshore wind industry in Germany as a promising market, and the client aimed to understand the potential demand for their devices during the installation and operation of offshore wind infrastructure.

They needed insights into key market players, their device needs, and the overall market trends to develop a targeted strategy for market entry and growth.


We followed a two-phase approach, starting with extensive desktop research to map the renewable energy market and identify key segments. This initial phase involved reviewing over 300 data sources to pinpoint established and growing geographies and technologies.

In the second phase, we conducted in-depth interviews with turbine manufacturers, construction firms and service providers. This helped us understand the specific needs and challenges within the market.

We developed insights into device requirements, market trends and key players, enabling us to provide targeted recommendations for market entry.


We identified opportunities for rugged devices during installation and maintenance, including named priority accounts and outlined their key purchasing criteria in our report. This enabled the client to target high-potential accounts and participate in renewal tenders, with informed understanding of customer requirements.

Andrew Downs

Get in touch with Andy to see how White Space Strategy can support your growth within Technology and Utilities markets

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