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Supporting global device manufacturer grow sales of a new product

Supported a device manufacturer in identifying target industries and use cases for a new B2B product

Assessed market potential, key purchase drivers and existing device usage in each industry.

Provided recommendations on most attractive opportunities, value proposition and go-to-market approach.

Service: Market Analysis; Proposition Development
Sector: Technology & Electronics; Manufacturing & Industrials;



Our client recently launched an ultra-rugged product designed for the most challenging environments. Initial sales fell short of expectations, with most interest coming from established customers.

Our client engaged us to explore other industries that could benefit from the product’s durability, performance and other features. They wanted to understand each sector’s rugged requirements, current challenges and willingness to pay for a premium solution.

This insight would inform the manufacturer’s marketing and sales strategy for the product.


We conducted extensive desk research and expert interviews to longlist potential industries and applications for the ultra-rugged product. Over 80 use cases were scored against key criteria such as ruggedness requirements, performance needs, and fit with the product’s features. Deeper analysis was conducted on a shortlist of 20 high-potential opportunities, including interviews with industry practitioners.

For the top 5 use cases, we sized the addressable market, identified key purchase drivers and decision-makers, and developed positioning and messaging. Our recommendations spanned both end user organisations and device resellers/integrators.


We were able to identify promising opportunities for the ultra-rugged product. These applications require the product’s ruggedness, performance and other features. We recommended the client should look to sell direct and through other identified channels. The client was able to build a channel and marketing strategy and incorporate messages based on our insights.

Andrew Downs

Get in touch with Andy to see how White Space Strategy can support new product growth within Manufacturing & Industrials markets

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